Petition to Pennsylvania Legislature

Pennsylvania Legislature: Decertify the vote and appoint the electors as is your duty

A Lawyer A Lawyer · PA, US

Pennsylvania Legislature: Decertify the vote and appoint the electors as is your duty
Politics in PA, US
898 view

BECAUSE of the rampant irregularities through which our votes have been stolen in the 2020 general elections and We the Legal Voters of Pennsylvania were DISENFRANCHISED from having our votes count in the elections:

WE HEREBY DEMAND, that you reclaim your power pursuant to Article 2 of the the United States Constitution and order the Secretary of the Commonwealth, Kathleen Boockvar, to decertify the illegally certified vote which included numerous questionable ballots that cannot be segregated from the legitimate ballots; and

WE FURTHER DEMAND, that you excercise your constitutionally mandated duty and use your power to appoint Pennsylvania's electors to the United States Electoral College to vote for the President and Vice-President of the United States.

15 Supporters

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Letter to
Pennsylvania Legislature

Pennsylvania Legislature: Decertify the vote and appoint the electors as is your duty


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A Lawyer start this petition
4 years ago
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15 Supporters
4,985 needed to reach 5,000
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