The Department of Justice has appointed Robert Heberle, an Obama era hatchet man, as chief of the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division. He will be responsible for investigating and prosecuting any election crimes related to the 2020 election.
Heberle has repeatedly prosecuted conservative politicians unfairly and should not be in this position. We want any guilty persons who have violated election laws or committed vote fraud to be punished to the fullest extent, not have their crimes covered up or ignored by some leftist sympathizing hack.
We want Attorney General Barr to hear a strong voice from American patriots that we consider this appointment unacceptable and demand that it be rescinded immediately and we want someone who will actively prosecute ALL election crimes. Sign the petition and say you want REAL JUSTICE for America !
It is an injustice to appoint a political partisan to oversee election fraud investigation.
Transparency is vital to our democracy.