Petition to David Ralston

Make Georgia’s Elections Fair Again!

Make Georgia’s Elections Fair Again!
1,4K view

Georgia has witnessed the most rigged election in political history. In the 2020 presidential election, video evidence proved that a Democratic poll worker brought suitcases of illegal ballots into the election counts. People reported that their dead cats received mail-in ballots. More than 11,000 deceased people voted in the state of Georgia alone. GOP challengers were kicked out of the polling centers, & viewers were blocked. After this electoral catastrophe, tens of millions of American voters began to lose faith in the integrity of our voting systems, & wonder if their voice matters. It’s time for We the People to call on the Georgia Legislature to reform our government, & MAKE GEORGIA’S ELECTIONS FAIR AGAIN! I genuinely thank every Patriot who signs & shares this petition! Without a right to vote, we lose our freedom.

This is what must be done to protect our sacred right to vote:

• Ban counties from deciding to stop counting votes • Audit the state voting registrations & remove out-of-state voters • Require that every election center must allow poll watchers • Restrict all counties from updating voting machines with less than 6 months until an election • Ban mail-in ballots permanently, replace with absentee voting • Criminalize the use of Dominion voting machines in Georgia

100 Supporters

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Letter to
Speaker of the Georgia State House, David Ralston

Make Georgia’s Elections Fair Again!


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Sean Sanz start this petition
4 years ago

1 Comment

Tina H Gill
Tina H Gill

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This petition won with 100 supporters

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Make Georgia’s Elections Fair Again!

Make Georgia’s Elections Fair Again!

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