Sign this petition to the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission.
The petition to the Federal Trade Commission is to demand that Big Tech giants like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and others be investigated then prosecuted if evidence is uncovered as monopolies that are openly violating current U.S. antitrust laws.
The petition to the Department of Justice is to demand that the same Big Tech firms are challenged on their improperly using 47 U.S.C. § Section 230 of the Communications and Decency Act ( as a shield to protect them as a communication platform over being just a publisher. This protection allows Big Tech to censor or even cut off free speech, which is not allowed of communication platforms, like AT&T and Verizon for example.
Removing Big Tech firms from Section 230 protections and breaking up their monopolies, would level the playing field and allow the free market to fix these very troubling issues.
Big tech is a monopoly that is squelching free speech of Conservatives or anyone with whom they disagree! This must be stopped! Allowing posts from foreign countries that post “death to America”, but not being able to freely speak of true injustices that occurred during the election, the BLM and Antifa riots that literally burned, looted, destroyed, murdered and terrorized the citizens in those cities is a travesty that must NOT BE ALLOWED!
Couldn’t find the petition to sign for the breakup big-tech monopoly they need to be made like your phone I mean the guy that discovered the phone don’t get every single dollar for every phone so why do these people get so rich then turn on the very people that got them rich kind of like congress
Remember back in the 1970’s, they took a highly regulated company, “MA BELL”, who gave great telephone service, and broke it up because they said it was a monopoly. Now these big tech companies work together to run this country the way they want, with no regard to “We the People”.
The government sucks
Freedom of speech is being lost!!!
President Trump is a great American and President. The left Communist and the RINO’s , and there are many are afraid of him. He can’t be bought and they all have been, He is sent to clean up this filth. God Bless him and God Bless America.
These democrats (DEMONS) should be all put in he’ll to burn
President TRUMP is our last Barrier to allow us to keep our freedom before the deep state takes it away. We have to protect freedom of speech and not allow them to censor us.
Twitter and FB suck
I stand with prez Trump
Umm, you freedom lovers are against freedom of choice? Aren’t Corporations people? Why is it okay for Hobby Lobby (a corporation/person) and religious groups to ban those who don’t follow their beliefs? Seems like you’re selective in who has freedom? But, I guess that’s your choice (freedom).
They are not above the law!