Petition to Supreme Court

STOP THE STEAL: Joe Biden is Not My President — 80 Million Patriots Stand with President Trump!

STOP THE STEAL: Joe Biden is Not My President — 80 Million Patriots Stand with President Trump!
23,8K view

President Trump won this election.

But the Democrats, Big Tech, and the Fake News Media are trying to STEAL it from him.

We cannot let that happen!

This is the biggest VOTER FRAUD operation in American history.

Sign this petition to STOP THE STEAL.

Save America. Stop Socialism. STOP THE STEAL.

107,714 Supporters

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Letter to
Supreme Court, Supreme Court

STOP THE STEAL: Joe Biden is Not My President -- 80 Million Patriots Stand with President Trump!


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Conservative Change start this petition
4 years ago


Janell Scott
Janell Scott

Joe is NOT my President

Joyce Malsch
Joyce Malsch

Trump is my PRESIDENT!

Barbara Cardone
Barbara Cardone

President Trump is my President🇺🇲💙💯

Ralph Ruiz
Ralph Ruiz

God speed president Trump 💪

Jim Wiseman
Jim Wiseman

The most coverage and proof broadcast by even Biden’s MSM supporters and he couldn’t get charges levied? Disregarding the voices of 80+ million people is reckless! Plus because think of the voices that didn’t vote because they didn’t believe that would matter. Think of disenfranchised Biden supporters who heard more about the scandals regarding him and his family. Think about how many of those who support Conservative beliefs own guns. Think about how most of the law enforcement and military who will be asked to enforce any policies are not Liberals and are private gun owners. Those law enforcement who are Liberal and might stay on the job are going to be asked to lead admins who are anemic and scared to raid those who don’t agree? Think long and hard about what you might be contemplating and ask if you believe it will be worth it.

Karen Betsy Lantang
Karen Betsy Lantang


Martin Haak
Martin Haak

Guys, please share this petition wherever and whenever you can.

Aron W Hollender
Aron W Hollender

stop the steal, millions of Americans are now worried, will our vote ever in the future make a difference?

Scott Blochowitz
Scott Blochowitz

Supreme Court judges won’t even hear the evidence and be accountable to the public, never will there be a valid election again! After seeing the corruption, our rights under the constitution are as good as gone. Hate to be negative, but that’s the bottom line truth of it.

Catherine McFarland
Catherine McFarland

We will stand strong for You Sir! Hiden Biden will never be our President

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107,714 Supporters
79,892,286 needed to reach 80,000,000
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