Petition to Congress

Congress members will either do their job and vote to re-elect Donald J Trump on January 6th or we will get them out!

Congress members will either do their job and vote to re-elect Donald J Trump on January 6th or we will get them out!

                  January 6, 2021 If Republican Congress members vote NO to re-electing Donald J Trump on January 6th after all the evidence of voter fraud (WE THE PEOPLE) will vote NO to re-electing them! Congress members were elected to be the voice of (WE THE PEOPLE) and if they can't do their job (WE THE PEOPLE) will vote them out! A list of the Congress members names will be gathered and WE will campaign nonstop to get them out!       This petition will not end on January 6 or after just because Congress has already voted, this petition will continue And continue to grow to remind the members of Congress that voted NO that Their days are numbered!

1 Supporters

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Congress members will either do their job and vote to re-elect Donald J Trump on January 6th or we will get them out!


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Red State Coalition start this petition
4 years ago

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