Petition to New York State Assembly and Senate

SIGN THE PETITION: Impeach Gov. Andrew Cuomo

SIGN THE PETITION: Impeach Gov. Andrew Cuomo
Health in US
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Elected in 2010, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has terrorized New York State for nearly 10 full years now. Cuomo first made headlines early in his tenure by promoting massively irresponsible state budgets, government overreach and the disenfranchisement of the working class by sending jobs out of state. As Cuomo's power grew, so did the number of residents fleeing New York and our various taxes, all while the number of available jobs dropped.

Cuomo made it clear early on that anyone who had a different view from him was not allowed in New York. He has pushed out good, hard working New Yorkers and has drastically changed our state for the worse, all while dodging accountability on his continued corruption despite the convictions of Sheldon Silver and Dean Skelos and his involvement in the Buffalo Billions and Utica Nano Center debacle.

With the Coronavirus crisis, Governor Cuomo has been thrust into the national spotlight. While the media propped him up as a savior, Cuomo pursued policies that endangered our population and even sent senior citizens to their deaths by sending infected patients to nursing homes.

Due to these factors, we are calling on the New York State Assembly and Senate to begin an immediate impeachment inquiry against Governor Cuomo. This is not a Democratic or Republican issue, but a matter of saving our great state.

February 23, 2021

11,340 Supporters

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Letter to
New York State Assembly and Senate, New York State Assembly and Senate

SIGN THE PETITION: Impeach Gov. Andrew Cuomo


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Conservative Change start this petition
3 years ago


Donald Dewayne Blackstock
Donald Dewayne Blackstock

He needs to be replaced for the people. What he is doing is just wrong wrong wrong

Tony R Dunn
Tony R Dunn

He should be impeached.

Gerard Maher
Gerard Maher


Charles Weber
Charles Weber

Cuomo must go!!!

Bonnie Hagenlock
Bonnie Hagenlock

Not my mother!

Leslie Stevenson
Leslie Stevenson

he should be held responsible for the murder of those poor souls. Hi half wit brother for being complicate giving him stage routinely to spew his lies.

Denise Tierney
Denise Tierney

Not that anything happens to Dems, but he should 100% be held accountable for all the deaths he caused by his decisions.

David. Haner
David. Haner

I’d love to sign it but I’m not a New York resident, he is a bully and very repu

Joyce silverstein
Joyce silverstein

He is a comedy act with us brother

Joyce silverstein
Joyce silverstein

He is the worst

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11,340 Supporters
88,660 needed to reach 100,000
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