Here’s The Complete List of Companies Boycotting Tucker Carlson’s Show Over His ‘Black Lives Matter’ Stance

Writen by Conservative Change — September 6, 2020 — 2 comments
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Carl Bollinger
Carl Bollinger

Shaq at Papa Johns is a racist Uncle Tom flunky. Hey boy, da gives you some money and you say youza.

Carl Bollinger
Carl Bollinger

Bank of America Jamie Diamond finances BLM. Jamie Diamond who sold poor blacks mortgages and screwed them, yep Country Wide Loans, yep that guy. With a little chump change BLM is bowing down to da Masta. Youza. Whites want reparations because blacks sold black to blacks, financed by non whites (eg. Loyds of London). They put poor whites out of work (couldn’t compete against slave labor) like now. Also 25% of freed blacks owned slaves which was a much higher percentage than whites who owned slaves.

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